The SSG Daniel A. Quintana Memorial Leadership Award is presented to the Leader 360° Course graduate selected by their peers as the person they would most want to follow.
The Award is named in honor of SSG Daniel A. Quintana. Daniel attended 360° in 2010 prior to deploying with his unit to Afghanistan. A former decorated Airmen who joined the Army and had previously served in Korea and was an Iraq War Veteran, Daniel was killed on 10 September 2011 when his unit was attacked with small-arms fire in eastern Afghanistan’s Paktika province.
Daniel is survived by his wife Nilda Quintana, two sons Daniel A. Quintana III and Jose B. Cortez, and his daughter Adriana (born December 2011).
Below is a complete list of recipients of the SSG Quintana Memorial Leadership Award
63rd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Karen Lawhorne
502d ABW, JBSA
30 April 2021
GS- 12, USAF
Kozak, Sharon
502d ABW, JBSA
30 April 2021
61st Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Gold Star Family Member, USA
Amber Hockman
Joint Base Lewis McCord
1 April 2021
60th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USA
Gary Shafer
Army North
29 January 2021
59th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Tech Sergeant, USAF
Brian Billington
Joint Base Charleston
18 December 2020
58th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant (Promotable) USA
Milton Lunsford
Joint Base Lewis McCord.
20 November 2020
57th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USAF
Joseph Alvarez
20 November 2020
502d ABW, JBSA.
56th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Chief Warrant Officer 3, USA
Tera Lawrence
Army North.
23 October 2020
55th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Master Sergeant, USAF
Carl Wiley
502d ABW, JBSA.
25 September 2020
54th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Master Sergeant, USAF
Christopher Wolf
502d ABW, JBSA.
28 August 2020
53rd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient, Major USAF
Stacie Shafran
502d ABW, JBSA.
20 July 2020
52nd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Ms. Shirley Bratton
502d Air Base Wing (ABW), JBSA
30 July 2020
51st Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
Jeroham Morales
5th Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB), Joint Base Lewis McCord.
50th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Adrienne Beard
Lackland AFB, JBSA
31 January 2020
49th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Beverly Smith Master Sergeant, USAF
Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA)
13 December 2019
48th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USAF
Richard “Drake” Dougherty
Joint Base Charleston
22 November 2019
47th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Commander, USN
Robert Selvester
502d Air Base Wing, Randolph Air Force Base
4 October 2019
46th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USA
Theron Williams
US Army Alaska, Fort Wainwright
20 September 2019
45th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Master Sergeant (Ret.), USAF
Juan A. Reyes
Joint Base San Antonio
16 August 2019
44th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
GS – 9, USAF
Ms. Marissa A. Rodriguez
Joint Base San Antonio
26 July 2019
43rd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant (P), USA
Hasand Sanders
Joint Base San Antonio
13 May 2019
42nd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Corporal (Ret), USMC
Shawn Lopez
Fort Myer, Virginia
29 March 2019
41st Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
Freddie J. Ramos
Caserma Del Din, Italy
Vicenza Military Community
14 February 2019
40th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant, USA
Wesley Cyrus
Caserma Del Din, Italy Vicenza Military Community
8 February 2019
39th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
Corey A. Williams
JBSA Fort Sam Houston
2 November 2018
38th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Tech Sergeant, USAF
Ashley Evans
JBSA Lackland Air Force Base
26 October 2018
37th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Master Sergeant, USAF
Sonora Vasquez
JBSA Randolph Air Force Base
14 September 2018
36th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
LaTasha D.Kinnes-Graham
Joint Base San Antonio
10 August 2018
35th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Hospital Corpsman First Class, USN
Ricky L. Galan
Joint Base San Antonio
2 March 2018
34th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USA
Sirlen P. Arriaza
Military District of Washington
1 December 2017
33rd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Tech Sergeant, USAF
Brandon Gibby
Joint Base Charleston
18 November 2017
32nd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USA
Garrett Poole
Joint Base San Antonio
28 July 2017
31st Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USA
Victor Robinson
Vilseck, Germany
4 November 2016
30th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USA
Joshua J. Barnes
Kaiserslautern, Germany
9 November 2015
29th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
Jason Abrahim
Ramstein, Germany
2 November 2015
29th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant, USA
James S. Yeager
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
31 August 2015
27th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Tech Sergeant, USAF
Joseph G Miller
Charleston, South Carolina
24 August 2015
26th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Petty Officer First Class, USN
William E. Luke
Norfolk Naval Base, Virginia
20 July 2015
25th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Master Sergeant, USMC
Mark C. Peters
Military District of Washington
23 March 2015
24th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USARNG
Jeffrey T. Rieman
Charlotte, North Carolina
17 November 2014
23rd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
James R. Cummings
Fort Benning, Georgia
3 November 2014
22nd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
Ashley N. King
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
6 October 2014
21st Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USMC
Gabriel Garcia
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
29 September 2014
20th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Corporal, USMC
Brandon M. Webster
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
29 September 2014
19th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant Sergeant First Class, USA
Rockwell A. Botchway
Grafenwoehr, Germany
8 September 2014
18th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
First Class, USA
Michael Higgins II
Grafenwoehr, Germany
8 September 2014
17th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant, USMC
Michael Z. Buhmeyer
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
18 August 2014
16th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
Samuel Clark
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
12 May 2014
15th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant, USMC
Roy L. Robinson
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
28 April 2014
14th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant, USMC
Cecil R Compton
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
2 December 2013
11th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Master Sergeant, USA
Marvin T. Cole
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
23 September 2013
10th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
Mitchell D Cenkush
Joint Base Lewis – McCord
16 September 2013
9th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant First Class, USA
Eddie J. MedinadeLeon
Joint Base Lewis – McCord
9 September 2013
8th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Staff Sergeant
Dameno A. Stevenson
Joint Base Lewis – McCord
12 August 2013
7th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant, USA
Richard C. Taylor
Joint Base Lewis – McCord
9 August 2013
6th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant, USA
Alexander Snyder
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
29 July 2013
5th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
First Sergeant (Promotable), USA
Kristopher A. Rick
Joint Base Lewis – McCord
22 July 2013
4th Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Master Sergeant, USA
James L. Lanee
Joint Base Lewis – McCord
10 June 2013
3rd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
Sergeant, USA
Kenneth Carrillo
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
3 June 2013
2nd Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipient
First Sergeant, USA
Anthony Gregerson
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
13 May 2013
1st Quintana Memorial Leadership Award Recipients
Sergeant, USA
Derek W. Lewellen
Joint Base Lewis – McCord
22 April 2013
Staff Sergeant, USA
Raymond I. Ross
Joint Base Lewis – McCord
4 April 2013
Sergeant, USA
Mario Miranda
Joint Base Lewis – McCord
1 April 2013